In Bourgogne’s meticulous classification framework, village or commune appellations rank just above regional appellations. These village appellations offer some of the finest value Pinot Noirs available in Bourgogne. There are 43 village appellations in total, representing approximately one-third of the region’s French wine production. Typically, the label will display only the commune’s name, such as ‘Chablis’ or ‘Gevrey-Chambertin’. However, certain appellations within this tier encompass a broader geographic area than a single village, like ‘Côte de Nuits-Village’. Wines bearing these appellations may source grapes from multiple villages within the larger Côte de Nuits region. Conversely, if a village wine is produced entirely from a single vineyard that doesn’t hold Premier Cru or Grand Cru status, the vineyard name may accompany the village name on the label.