Within Bourgogne’s rigorous wine classification system, village or commune appellations occupy the tier above regional appellations. These appellations provide some of the best value Pinot Noirs currently offered in Bourgogne. In total, there are 43 village appellations, accounting for roughly one-third of the region’s total French wine output. Generally, the label will feature only the name of the commune, such as ‘Chablis’ or ‘Gevrey-Chambertin’. However, a few appellations in this category extend beyond a single village, for example, ‘Côte de Nuits-Village’. Wines from these appellations can include grapes from a collective of villages within the broader Côte de Nuits area. On the other hand, if a village wine originates solely from a vineyard that is not designated as Premier Cru or Grand Cru, the specific vineyard name may also appear alongside the village name on the label.